Here are several methods to help restore a sense of tranquillity to your life.

Can’t concentrate? Losing sleep? Binge-eating your feelings?
In a stressful year, the nation collectively Appeared to be experiencing peak anxiety last week. People-Shared stories of stress eating, clearing their calendars (who could sit through a Zoom meeting during a time like this?) and threatening to stay in bed. The’ stress has consumed -both .sides of the political aisle. A poll released by the American Psychological Association showed that 76 percent of Democrats and 67 percent of Republicans found the 2020 election to be a significant source of stress.

“We’ve had this unending momentum of a steady stream of stuff just going wrong since the beginning of March,” said the Rev. angel Kyodo Williams, a meditation teacher and author of the book “Radical Dharma.” “The groundlessness that people feel is not really something the human body was meant to sustain over long periods of time.”

While there’s nothing you can do to speed election results or a coronavirus vaccine, you do have the power to take care of yourself. Neuroscientists, psychologists and meditation experts offered advice about the big and small things you can do to calm down. Here are 10 things you can try to release anxiety, gain perspective and gird yourself for whatever comes next.

Interrupt Yourself
As you feel your anxiety level rising, try to practice “self interruption.” Go for a walk. Call a friend. Run an errand. Just move your body and become aware of your breathing.

“Interrupt yourself so you can shift your state,” Ms. Williams said. “Get your attention On something else. Focus on something that is beautiful. Get up. Move your body and really shift your position. I think people really need to move away from wherever it is they are and break the momentum.”

Focus on Your Feet
When you feel your stress level rising, try this quick calming exercise from Dr. Judson A. Brewer, director of research and innovation at the Mindfulness Center at Brown University:

Take a moment to focus on your feet. You can do this standing or sitting, with your feet on the ground. How do they feel? Are they warm or cold? Are they tingly? Moist or dry? Wiggle, your toes. Feel the soles of your feel, Feel your heels connecting with your shoes and the ground beneath you.

“It’s different way to ground yourself,” Dr. Brewer said “Anxiety tends to be in your chest and throat. Your feet are as peripheral as you get from your anxiety zones.”

Move for Three Minutes
It just takes a short burst of exercise three minutes to be exact — to improve your mood, said Kelly MCGonigal, a health psychologist and lecturer at Stanford-University whose latest book is “The Joy of Movement.” Do jumping jacks. Stand and box. Do wall push-ups. Dance.

“Anytime you move your muscles and get your heart rate up, you’ll get a boost in dopamine and sense yourself as alive and engaged,” Dr. McGonigal said.

Tackle a Home Project
Get rid of clutter, make a scrapbook, get a new comforter, hang artwork.
“It’s not frivolous to do something like declutter, organize or look around your space and think about how to make it a supportive place for you or anyone else you live With,” said Dr. McGonigal, Whose. TED ‘Talk on stress has been viewed over ’25 million times. “It’s one of the ways we imagine a positive future.”

Try Five-Finger Breathing
This simple practice is easy to remember and is often taught to children to help them calm themselves in times of high stress. Dr. Brewer has created a video explaining the technique, which works by engaging multiple senses at the same time and crowding out those worrying thoughts.

STEP 1 Hold your hand in front of you, fingers spread.

STEP 2 Using your index finger on the opposite hand, start tracing.the outline of your extended hand, starting, at the wrist, moving up the pinkie.

STEP 3 As you trace up your pinkie, breathe in. As you trace down your pinkie, breathe out Trace up your ring finger and breathe in. Trace down your ring finger and breathe out.

STEP 4 Continue finger by finger until you’ve traced your entire hand. Now reverse the process and trace from your thumb Sack to your pinkie, making sure to inhale as you trace up, and exhale as you trace down.

Connect With Nature
Spend time outside. Watch birds. Wander amid the trees. Recent research shows that consciously taking in the wonders of nature r amplifies the mental health benefits of 1 walking.

Numerous studies support the notion that spending time in nature and walking on b quiet, tree-lined paths can result in meaningful improvements to mental health, and even physical changes to the brain.
Nature walkers have “quieter” brains: Scans show less blood flow to the part of the brain associated with rumination. Some research
a shows that even looking at pictures of nature can improve your mood. Our brains, it seems, prefer green spaces. One small study found that-exercisers exposed to the color green found it easier to exercise and were in ‘a better mood than exercisers exposed to gray or red.

Rediscover Your Diaphragm
Many of us are vertical breathers: When we breathe, our shoulders rise and fall, and we’re not engaging our diaphragm. To better relax, learn to be a horizontal breather. Inhale and push your belly out, which means you’re using your diaphragm. Exhale and your middle relaxes.

For a deep (and somewhat complicated) dive on belly breathing, grab a tape measure and take this “breathing IQ” self-exam from Belisa Vranich, a clinical psychologist and author of “Breathing for Warriors.”

“If you’re breathing with your shoulders, you’re using auxiliary muscles, and you’ll have a higher heart rate, higher blood pressure and higher cortisol,” Dr. Vranich said. “If you breathe diaphragmatically, you’re more apt to be calmer?’

Enjoy Distractions
Give your mind a break by watching the popular YouTube video of a cat.comforting a nervous dog, or check out the jellyfish cam at the Monterey Bay Aquarium. You’ll find more fun diversions on The New York Times’s online interactive Election Dis-tractor (search for “Election Distractor” at, including a digital stress ball, a virtual emotional support dog and Donald .1. McNeil Jr., The Times’s infectious disease reporter, giving you optimistic news about the coronavirus vaccine.

Unleash the Aromatics
Take a lavender foot bath, burn a scented candle or spritz the air with orange aromatherapy for a temporary reprieve. A study of 141 pregnant women found that rubbing or soaking feet with lavender cream significantly reduced anxiety, stress and depression. Another study of 200 dental patients found that orange or lavender aromatherapy helped them relax before treatment. Lavender baths lower cortisol levels in infants. Even antidepressants work better when combined with lavender therapy.

Why does aromatherapy, particularly lavender, appear to have a calming effect? Sonic research suggests that lavender reaches odor-sensitive neurons in the nose that send signals to the parts of the brain related to wakefulness and awareness.

Accept the Present Moment
Accepting the results of the election doesn’t mean giving up if things didn’t go your way. In fact, you’ll be more effective at pursuing change if you accept the situation. “Our anxiety comes from the desire to have things be different,” Ms. Williams said last week. “There’s going to be the day after the election. And the day after that We need to be present to what is, regardless of the outcome you want.”

Thinking about history and those who have faced seemingly insurmountable hardship in the past can help you gain perspective, accept current events and make plans to pursue change.

“My ancestors had to prepare themselves, over and over again, for moving toward a freedom that was nowhere in sight,” said Ms. Williams, referring to Black Americans. “We prepare for life as it unfolds, not our ideal image of it. That is, literally, the only path forward.”